Introduction to Clarity
This article is about, "clarity." We will try to explain what it is, and how it is used in the jewelry industry.
One of the "4 C's" and among the most important things we look for in a diamond is something called "clarity." Clarity basically means how clear or how many little marks or "blemishes" a diamond has.
Think about it like looking through a window. A clean window lets you see through it easily, while a dirty window with lots of smudges and marks might make it harder to see through. It's the same with diamonds! The clearer the diamond is, the easier it is to see through it and the more beautiful it looks.
Now, there are different levels of diamond clarity. The best clarity is called "flawless," which means there are absolutely no blemishes or marks in the diamond that you can see with your naked eye. The next level down is called "internally flawless," which means there are no blemishes inside the diamond, but there might be some tiny ones on the surface.
Other levels of diamond clarity include "very very slightly included," "very slightly included," "slightly included," and "included." These all mean that there are some little marks or blemishes in the diamond, but they can be harder or easier to see depending on the level of clarity.
Now, diamond clarity is important because it affects how the diamond looks and how much it's worth. The clearer the diamond, the more expensive it usually is. But even diamonds with some marks can still be beautiful and valuable, especially if they have other good qualities like a nice color or a big size.
Diamond clarity is all about how clear or how many marks a diamond has, and it's an important thing for jewelers to look for when they're picking out diamonds to use in their jewelry.
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