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"What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate."
– Donald Trump (Trump: Surviving at the Top (1990), p. 3)

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Once there was a young boy named Max. Max was 12 years old and lived in a small town with his parents and younger sister. Max was a hardworking boy who always tried his best in everything he did. He was known in his town for his determination and his drive to succeed.

Max's family was not very wealthy, but they were happy. Max's parents worked hard to provide for their family, but there was not much extra money for luxuries. Max understood this and did not ask for much. However, there was one thing that Max wanted more than anything else in the world - a piece of jewelry for his crush, Lily.

Lily was the prettiest girl in Max's class. She had long brown hair, bright green eyes, and a smile that lit up the room. Max had liked Lily for as long as he could remember, but he was too shy to tell her how he felt.

One day, Max was walking home from school when he saw a beautiful necklace in the window of a jewelry store. The necklace was made of silver and had a small blue stone in the center. Max knew that this was the perfect gift for Lily. He wanted to buy it for her, but he knew he did not have enough money.

Max decided that he would work hard and save his money until he could afford to buy the necklace for Lily. He began to do odd jobs around the neighborhood - mowing lawns, raking leaves, and shoveling snow. He saved every penny he earned and put it in a jar under his bed.

Months went by, and Max continued to work hard and save his money. He did not tell anyone about his plan to buy the necklace for Lily, not even his best friend, Alex. He wanted it to be a surprise.

Finally, after six months of hard work, Max had saved enough money to buy the necklace. He was thrilled! He went to the jewelry store and bought the necklace with the blue stone. He felt proud of himself for achieving his goal, but he was also nervous about giving the necklace to Lily.

The next day at school, Max waited until lunchtime to give Lily the necklace. He was shaking with nerves as he approached her. "Hi, Lily," he said, trying to act cool. "I have something for you."

Lily's eyes widened as she looked at the necklace. "It's beautiful," she said, her voice full of emotion. "Thank you so much, Max. I had no idea you felt this way about me."

Max's heart swelled with happiness. He was so glad that he had taken a chance and bought the necklace for Lily. He had worked hard for months to save his money, but it was worth it to see the smile on Lily's face.

Over the next few weeks, Max and Lily grew closer. They spent time together after school and on weekends, and Max felt like the luckiest boy in the world. Lily wore the necklace every day, and Max felt proud every time he saw it on her neck.